
British Bull – Adventures in Satire

So I’ve agreed to start writing for a news satire website (because the internet clearly needs another one) that a couple of my friends set up: British BullĀ (note the url for a clearer indication of the level of humour we’re aiming at here) This is my first time writing “news” and my first time writing creatively in a long time, so bear with me — it may take me someĀ time.… Read More »British Bull – Adventures in Satire

The Last Ultimatum – Part One

Here’s the first part of a short story I’ve started writing. I’ve decided to post as I go, so this is “hot off the press”, as they never say. Thanks go to Richard Paterson for the title, which I’m doing a slow but hopefully interesting riff off of. It was pitch black. Adam tried to look around, but having no head, failed miserably. Now that he thought about it, he… Read More »The Last Ultimatum – Part One