
Debugger this! Debugging an Android Service

I recently found out that I couldn’t hit any breakpoints in an Android Service I was developing. I found that this was easily sorted by adding the following line: android.os.Debug.waitForDebugger() This approach was suggested on various websites including StackOverflow and HelloAndroid amongst many. Great. I found out much later than when I ran the code “in the wild” i.e. in a production environment unattached to a debugger, my application was… Read More »Debugger this! Debugging an Android Service

Google Glass, Eye Love You

Having done a bit of research on what apps people are starting to develop for Google Glass, I stumbled on word of a recent Glass Hackathon where, among other things, an app was built to measure attraction: It uses an eye tracker, mounted on the Glass frame, to measure the pupil dilation of the wearer. The idea is to measure someone’s arousal, giving an instant measure of how attracted they are to… Read More »Google Glass, Eye Love You