
More Cartoons

So ever since signing up to Instagram recently, I’ve been trying to post a new piece of art or cartoon every day (or as close as possible), to exercise my topical muscles a bit. In the rush of it all I’ve not had the chance to update this site, so here are my most recent cartoons in one lump sum. To get more regular cartoon updates, follow me on instagram. Cartoons… Read More »More Cartoons

Blame Game

A new cartoon in “New Yorker” fashion. An attempt at reducing how much I telegraph the message of my cartoons.


Just a quickie about today’s news… no pun intended #piggate

Fuel Fossils

In an effort to refine my drawing skills I’ve decided to start producing semi-regular topical cartoons. I don’t think my drawings have ever been very incisive, so I’m hoping this will help me focus on that a bit, and will also hopefully be fun for people to read/look at (what’s the correct verb for “consuming” a cartoon?) So this is my first effort – a shot at the recent G7 summit… Read More »Fuel Fossils